Evaluating Primary Suicide Prevention in Adolescents with Risk Factors

Research question

This project aims to test the effectiveness of a brief primary suicide prevention intervention for vulnerable adolescents through a randomized controlled trial (n=240). Vulnerable adolescents include adolescents who are 1) detained in juvenile detention centers, 2) have dropped out of school, 3) are in treatment for psychiatric disorders, and 4) are part of a sexual or gender minority. The main objective is to test the intervention's effectiveness using a composite measure of suicide awareness (primary outcome), as well as psychological distress and suicidal thoughts (secondary outcomes). We will also assess the safety of the intervention. We will also explore other challenges facing vulnerable populations: access to primary suicide prevention and non-response bias. The study will provide relevant findings to address the current lack of high-quality evidence for primary suicide prevention among adolescents.


Project leader Prof. Dr. phil. Stéphanie Baggio
Project team

Neslie Nsingi
Yekaterina Prutyanova

Doctoral student(s) Yekaterina Prutyanova
Partner(s) Prof. Katia Iglesias, Haute école de santé Fribourg HES-SO, Switzerland
Dr. Anne Edan, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Dr. Patrick Heller, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland
Dr. Carole Kapp, Lausanne University Hospitals, Switzerland
Dr. Laurent Michaud, Lausanne University Hospitals, Switzerland
Mrs. Sophia Perez, Stop Suicide, Switzerland
PD Dr. Camille Piguet, Psychiatry University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Caroline Piotrowski, University of Manitoba Canada
Mr. Mathias Rumley. EPSCL, Switzerland
Dr. Marlène Sapin, FORS, Switzerland
Funder(s) Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
Study design Randomized controlled trial
Study start
External link(s) https://data.snf.ch/grants/grant/10000272