Ongoing PhD Dissertations, MD Dissertations, Master’s Theses (MMed) & Master of Science in Pharmacy (MSc Pharm)

Student Type Title
Albert Moritz MMed Vaping and respiratory symptoms in adolescents: a literature review
Auer Reto
Jakob Julian
Amacker Etienne MMed Baseline characteristics of participants with COPD/asthma compared to study participants without COPD/asthma in the ESTxENDS trial
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Aponte Ribero Valerie PhD Preventive care in type 2 diabetes: improving risk prediction among older and multimorbid adults and assessing the effects of novel anti-diabetic drugs Rodondi Nicolas
Arnold Amina MMed Attitudes of Patients towards Deprescribing and electronic tools to optimize medication Streit Sven
Jungo Katharina
Beglinger Michael MD Changes in SCORE2 and Their Association with Future Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Insights from the CoLaus Study Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Berger Sandra MD The understanding of primary prevention of CVD in women and especially in relation to HRT Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Bétrisey Sylvain MD Lipid-Lowering Therapy and Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Gencer Baris
Bieri Christoph PhD Transforming Primary Care in Switzerland: The Role of Digital Health, Coordinated Care and Health Literacy Streit Sven
Blume Thi Pham MD Investigating Polymedication in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Insights from the Swiss-AF Cohort Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Brack Corinne MD Barriers and facilitators to the communication of polygenic risk score for cardiovascular disease: a theoretical domain framework based systematic review Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Büchler Jasmine MD E-cigarette for smoking cessation and Depressio Baggio Stéphanie

Bulling Benjamin


Factors associated with risk of falls in multimorbid adults 70 years and older

Rodondi Nicolas
Bauer Douglas
Patricia O.
Bürer Nina
MD IMAGES trial - Best practices der Supervision von point-of-care Ultraschalluntersuchungen
Rodondi Nicolas
Walter Robin
Burn Seva MMed Comparing the non-verbal communication used by near-peer and faculty teachers in ultrasound teaching
Hari Roman
Harris Michael
Caprez Reto MD Lehrstrategien von Peer vs. ärztlichen Tutoren im Ultraschalltraining Hari Roman
Dupuis Marc PhD A multiple-method, multiple-source approach of perinatal drug safety. The case of antidepressant, anxiolytic and hypnoid medication Panchaud Alice
Baggio Stéphanie
Egger Isabel Renmei MMed Protokoll für eine Umfrage zu Infertilität und Schwangerschaftskomplikationen der Schweizer Ärzteschaft
Streit Sven
Moor Jeanne
Graf Evelyne PhD Advancing Cardiovascular - Disease Management - The Role of Interprofessional Teams in Primary Care Streit Sven
Grindat Rahel MD The role of gender in prescribing long-term beta blockers after myocardial infarction in European primary care settings – a case vignette study Zangger Martina
Streit Sven
Grunder Xeno Marcel MMed Cannabis and Echocardiography – the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study
Auer Reto
Jakob Julian
Grünig Valérie MD Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) for smoking cessation on olfactory function - secondary analyses of the ESTxENDS trial
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Güttinger Eva MD Prevalence of vaping-associated symptoms over six months among participants of a randomized controlled trial on smoking cessation with Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)
Auer Reto
Jakob Julian
Heutschi Victoria MD Prevalence of olfactory dysfunction among smokers: analysis of baseline data of participants to the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Heutschi Victoria MMed

Nonresponse bias in a smoking cessation trial (ESTxENDS)

Baggio Stéphanie
Hysaj Ola PhD Understanding the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and cardiovascular disease Rodondi Nicolas
Jakob Julian PhD Effects of Electric Nicotine Delivery Systems on pulmonary health in teenagers Auer Reto
Janggen Marc-Andrea MD Darmkrebsfrüherkennung in der Schweizer Hausarztmedizin: Eine randomisierte Kontrollierte Studie in Qualitätszirkel Auer Reto
Kandhasamy Sreemanjari PhD Pharmacy Services from Ideas to Implementation. Panchaud Alice
Jenkinson Stephen
Kellmann Sarina MMed Primary prevention of suicide among vulnerable young people Baggio Stéphanie
Kovacic Leonie MD Evaluation eines neuen Informationstools zur Patientenaufklärung in Bezug auf Ihr persönliches kardiovaskuläres Risiko– eine Pilotstudie Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Lanfranchi Camille PhD OptiMEd: Optimise PolyMedication interprofessionally in Elderly patients Panchaud Alice
Laug Sabrina MMed Characterization of study participants in the ESTxENDS trial from whom blood samples were collected to measure CVD-related biomarkers
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Lehner Luca MD Effects of E-cigarettes for smoking cessation on cannabis use at 6-months follow-up: the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial Baggio Stéphanie
Auer Reto
Leitner Tabea Chiara MMed Literaturübersicht zu kardiovaskulären Nachsorgeprogrammen nach hypertensiven Erkrankungen der Schwangerschaft
Streit Sven
Moor Jeanne
Lenouvel Eric PhD The cognitive basis of fear of falling and its treatment Streit Sven
Krebs Stefanie MD Impact of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on assistant physician’s well-being Auer Reto
Madurapperuma Rico MD Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) for smoking cessation on systolic blood pressure – secondary analyses of the ESTxENDS trial
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Mosimann Angela MD Change in e-liquids flavor use and nicotine concentration over 6-months in participants of a smoking cessation trial with electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS): the ESTxENDS trial
Auer Reto
Jakob Julian
Mulder Fanny PhD Pharmaceutical interventions based on interprofessional collaboration in medication management
Panchaud Alice
Maes Karen
Müller Nick Joe MD Mendelian Randomization study about lactose intolerance and cognitive function in older adults Rodondi Nicolas
Patricia O.
Müller Nick Joe MD Non-fermented dairy intake and cognitive function in older adults in three cohorts: a Mendelian Randomization study Chocano-Bedoya
Patricia O.
Oppliger Sarah
MD Educational settings ideal for near-peer teaching Hari Roman
Ortega Herrero Natalia PhD Dairy intake, inflammation and cognition Rodondi Nicolas
Patricia O.
Prochazka Karina MD Rationale and design of PolygEnic Risk Score to Optimize primary preveNtion in intermediAte risk popuLation (PERSONAL) Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Prutyanova Yekaterina MD Exploring mental health and benefits of psychosocial interventions in vulnerable populations: An intersectional approach Baggio Stéphanie
Ranzoni Zoe MD Suicide awareness: A secondary analysis of a controlled trial Baggio Stéphanie
Reichle Erschena MD Workforce study complementary medicine 2017 in swiss health care: an online survey Streit Sven
Renmei Egger Isabel MD Welche Faktoren sind bei Ärzt*innen der Allgemeinen Inneren Medizin in der Schweiz mit Schwangerschaftsproblemen, Sterilität oder mit einem Verschieben der Familienplanung assoziiert?
Moor Jeanne
Streit Sven
Rihs Anna MD Effects of E-cigarettes for smoking cessation on depressive symptoms at 6-months follow-up: the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Romer Alessia PhD HYPO - HYpertensive Patients dedicated InterprOfessional model
Developing a digital interprofessional platform for optimizing care of hypertension in Swiss primary care setting
Panchaud Alice
Streit Sven
Schär Deborah MD Pilot Intervention to implement shared decision making for guideline-recommended antibiotics prescriptions in Swiss family physician practices
Auer Reto
Rohrbasser Adrian
Scharf Tamara PhD Treatment and management of chronic insomnia in primary health care Auer Reto
Schöpp Eva MD Spectrum of professional development in General Internal Medicine Streit Sven
Spicher Nathalie MD Patient And Physician Perspectives On Use And Communication Of Polygenetic Risk Score For Coronary Artery Disease In Primary Prevention in Switzerland: A Qualitative Study Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Villoz Fanny MD Management von Patienten mit Statin-assoziierten Muskelsymptomen Rodondi Nicolas
Blum Manuel
Vetsch Janine MD Effects of E-cigarettes for smoking cessation on alcohol use at 6-months follow-up: the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial Auer Reto
Baggio Stéphanie
von Baehr Sophia MD Placebo Use Care of GP Trainees
Streit Sven
Wälchi Cornelia MD Prevalence of olfactory dysfunction among smokers: analysis of baseline data of participants to the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial
Auer Reto
Schöni Anna
Woodtli Lena Hannah
MMed Well-being der Ärzteschaft in der Schweiz mit Fokus auf Geschlechtsunterschiede
Streit Sven
Moor Jeanne
Zangger Martina PhD Medication Optimization in Primary Health Care: From Evaluation of Optimization Potential to Intervention Design and Spillover Effects Streit Sven
Zeltner Cinzia MD Dissertation zum Task Shift Streit Sven
Zemp Judit MD Changes in recommendations for vitamin D screening and supplementation during the last decade: A systematic review of clinical guidelines Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet
Zumstein Nico MD Ultraschall-Indikationen in Hausarztpraxen (POCUS-PRIME) Hari Roman