Albert Moritz |
MMed |
Vaping and respiratory symptoms in adolescents: a literature review |
Auer Reto Jakob Julian
Amacker Etienne |
MMed |
Baseline characteristics of participants with COPD/asthma compared to study participants without COPD/asthma in the ESTxENDS trial |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Aponte Ribero Valerie |
PhD |
Preventive care in type 2 diabetes: improving risk prediction among older and multimorbid adults and assessing the effects of novel anti-diabetic drugs |
Rodondi Nicolas |
Arnold Amina |
MMed |
Attitudes of Patients towards Deprescribing and electronic tools to optimize medication |
Streit Sven Jungo Katharina |
Beglinger Michael |
MD |
Changes in SCORE2 and Their Association with Future Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Insights from the CoLaus Study |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Berger Sandra |
MD |
The understanding of primary prevention of CVD in women and especially in relation to HRT |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Bétrisey Sylvain |
MD |
Lipid-Lowering Therapy and Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials |
Gencer Baris |
Bieri Christoph |
PhD |
Transforming Primary Care in Switzerland: The Role of Digital Health, Coordinated Care and Health Literacy |
Streit Sven |
Blume Thi Pham |
MD |
Investigating Polymedication in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Insights from the Swiss-AF Cohort |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Brack Corinne |
MD |
Barriers and facilitators to the communication of polygenic risk score for cardiovascular disease: a theoretical domain framework based systematic review |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Büchler Jasmine |
MD |
E-cigarette for smoking cessation and Depressio |
Baggio Stéphanie |
Bulling Benjamin |
MD |
Factors associated with risk of falls in multimorbid
adults 70 years and older |
Rodondi Nicolas
Bauer Douglas
Chocano-Bedoya Patricia O. |
Bürer Nina
MD |
IMAGES trial - Best
practices der Supervision von point-of-care Ultraschalluntersuchungen |
Rodondi Nicolas Walter Robin
Burn Seva |
MMed |
Comparing the non-verbal communication used by near-peer and faculty teachers in ultrasound teaching |
Hari Roman Harris Michael
Caprez Reto |
MD |
Lehrstrategien von Peer vs. ärztlichen Tutoren im Ultraschalltraining |
Hari Roman
Dupuis Marc |
PhD |
A multiple-method, multiple-source approach of perinatal drug safety. The case of antidepressant, anxiolytic and hypnoid medication |
Panchaud Alice
Baggio Stéphanie |
Egger Isabel Renmei |
MMed |
Protokoll für eine Umfrage zu Infertilität und Schwangerschaftskomplikationen der Schweizer Ärzteschaft |
Streit Sven Moor Jeanne
Graf Evelyne |
PhD |
Advancing Cardiovascular - Disease Management - The Role of Interprofessional Teams in Primary Care |
Streit Sven |
Grindat Rahel |
MD |
The role of gender in prescribing long-term beta blockers after myocardial infarction in European primary care settings – a case vignette study |
Zangger Martina
Streit Sven |
Grunder Xeno Marcel |
MMed |
Cannabis and Echocardiography – the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study
Auer Reto Jakob Julian
Grünig Valérie |
MD |
Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) for smoking cessation on olfactory function - secondary analyses of the ESTxENDS trial |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Güttinger Eva |
MD |
Prevalence of vaping-associated symptoms over six months among participants of a randomized controlled trial on smoking cessation with Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) |
Auer Reto Jakob Julian |
Heutschi Victoria |
MD |
Prevalence of olfactory dysfunction among smokers: analysis of baseline data of participants to the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Heutschi Victoria |
MMed |
Nonresponse bias in a smoking cessation trial (ESTxENDS) |
Baggio Stéphanie |
Hysaj Ola |
PhD |
Understanding the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and cardiovascular disease |
Rodondi Nicolas |
Jakob Julian |
PhD |
Effects of Electric Nicotine Delivery Systems on pulmonary health in teenagers |
Auer Reto |
Janggen Marc-Andrea |
MD |
Darmkrebsfrüherkennung in der Schweizer Hausarztmedizin: Eine randomisierte Kontrollierte Studie in Qualitätszirkel |
Auer Reto
Kandhasamy Sreemanjari |
PhD |
Pharmacy Services from Ideas to Implementation. |
Panchaud Alice Jenkinson Stephen |
Kellmann Sarina |
MMed |
Primary prevention of suicide among vulnerable young people |
Baggio Stéphanie |
Kovacic Leonie |
MD |
Evaluation eines neuen Informationstools zur Patientenaufklärung in Bezug auf Ihr persönliches kardiovaskuläres Risiko– eine Pilotstudie |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Lanfranchi Camille |
PhD |
OptiMEd: Optimise PolyMedication interprofessionally in Elderly patients |
Panchaud Alice |
Laug Sabrina |
MMed |
Characterization of study participants in the ESTxENDS trial from whom blood samples were collected to measure CVD-related biomarkers |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Lehner Luca |
MD |
Effects of E-cigarettes for smoking cessation on cannabis use at 6-months follow-up: the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial |
Baggio Stéphanie Auer Reto |
Leitner Tabea Chiara |
MMed |
Literaturübersicht zu kardiovaskulären Nachsorgeprogrammen nach hypertensiven Erkrankungen der Schwangerschaft
Streit Sven
Moor Jeanne |
Lenouvel Eric |
PhD |
The cognitive basis of fear of falling and its treatment |
Streit Sven |
Krebs Stefanie |
MD |
Impact of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on assistant physician’s well-being |
Auer Reto
Madurapperuma Rico |
MD |
Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) for smoking cessation on systolic blood pressure – secondary analyses of the ESTxENDS trial |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Mosimann Angela |
MD |
Change in e-liquids flavor use and nicotine concentration over 6-months in participants of a smoking cessation trial with electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS): the ESTxENDS trial |
Auer Reto Jakob Julian |
Mulder Fanny |
PhD |
Pharmaceutical interventions based on interprofessional collaboration in medication management |
Panchaud Alice Maes Karen |
Müller Nick Joe |
MD |
Mendelian Randomization study about lactose intolerance and cognitive function in older adults |
Rodondi Nicolas Chocano-Bedoya Patricia O. |
Müller Nick Joe |
MD |
Non-fermented dairy intake and cognitive function in older adults in three cohorts: a Mendelian Randomization study |
Patricia O. |
Oppliger Sarah
MD |
Educational settings ideal for near-peer teaching |
Hari Roman
Ortega Herrero Natalia |
PhD |
Dairy intake, inflammation and cognition |
Rodondi Nicolas Chocano-Bedoya Patricia O. |
Prochazka Karina |
MD |
Rationale and design of PolygEnic Risk Score to Optimize primary preveNtion in intermediAte risk popuLation (PERSONAL) |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Prutyanova Yekaterina |
MD |
Exploring mental health and benefits of psychosocial interventions in vulnerable populations: An intersectional approach |
Baggio Stéphanie |
Ranzoni Zoe |
MD |
Suicide awareness: A secondary analysis of a controlled trial |
Baggio Stéphanie |
Reichle Erschena |
MD |
Workforce study complementary medicine 2017 in swiss health care: an online survey |
Streit Sven
Renmei Egger Isabel |
MD |
Welche Faktoren sind bei Ärzt*innen der Allgemeinen Inneren Medizin in der Schweiz mit Schwangerschaftsproblemen, Sterilität oder mit einem Verschieben der Familienplanung assoziiert?
Moor Jeanne Streit Sven |
Rihs Anna |
MD |
Effects of E-cigarettes for smoking cessation on depressive symptoms at 6-months follow-up: the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Romer Alessia |
PhD |
HYPO - HYpertensive Patients dedicated InterprOfessional model
Developing a digital interprofessional platform for optimizing care of hypertension in Swiss primary care setting |
Panchaud Alice
Streit Sven |
Schär Deborah |
MD |
Pilot Intervention to implement shared decision making for guideline-recommended antibiotics prescriptions in Swiss family physician practices |
Auer Reto Rohrbasser Adrian
Scharf Tamara |
PhD |
Treatment and management of chronic insomnia in primary health care |
Auer Reto |
Schöpp Eva |
MD |
Spectrum of professional development in General Internal Medicine |
Streit Sven |
Spicher Nathalie |
MD |
Patient And Physician Perspectives On Use And Communication Of Polygenetic Risk Score For Coronary Artery Disease In Primary Prevention in Switzerland: A Qualitative Study |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Villoz Fanny |
MD |
Management von Patienten mit Statin-assoziierten Muskelsymptomen |
Rodondi Nicolas Blum Manuel
Vetsch Janine |
MD |
Effects of E-cigarettes for smoking cessation on alcohol use at 6-months follow-up: the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial |
Auer Reto Baggio Stéphanie |
von Baehr Sophia |
MD |
Placebo Use Care of GP Trainees
Streit Sven
Wälchi Cornelia |
MD |
Prevalence of olfactory dysfunction among smokers: analysis of baseline data of participants to the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial |
Auer Reto Schöni Anna |
Woodtli Lena Hannah
MMed |
Well-being der Ärzteschaft in der Schweiz mit Fokus auf Geschlechtsunterschiede |
Streit Sven Moor Jeanne |
Zangger Martina |
PhD |
Medication Optimization in Primary Health Care: From Evaluation of Optimization Potential to Intervention Design and Spillover Effects |
Streit Sven
Zeltner Cinzia |
MD |
Dissertation zum Task Shift |
Streit Sven
Zemp Judit |
MD |
Changes in recommendations for vitamin D screening and supplementation during the last decade: A systematic review of clinical guidelines |
Moutzouri Beifuss Elisavet |
Zumstein Nico |
MD |
Ultraschall-Indikationen in Hausarztpraxen (POCUS-PRIME) |
Hari Roman