PhD Dissertations, MD Dissertations, Master’s Theses (MMed) & Master of Science in Pharmacy (MSc Pharm)

Dissertations and Master’s theses are extremely important, and we take very seriously our commitment to encourage young graduates in family medicine to complete their work. We welcome any request to participate in our studies.

A glimpse into the projects of the PhD students Lea Wildisen, Daniela Anker and Katharina Jungo. All of their PhD projects are related to the optimal use of medications. The graphic design was done by Maeva Rosset.


Are you interested in a Dissertation at the BIHAM?

Please fill in the corresponding form and return it including your CV to


Are you interested in a Master’s thesis at the BIHAM?

Please contact the person in charge of the specific topic directly by eMail (Organigramm).
Also, please check the available Master’s thesis list on KSL


Academic career trajectories at BIHAM

Do you want to know more about academic career trajectories at BIHAM? Please contact us via

Academic career trajectories at BIHAM
Adapted from a template by the faculty of Medicine, Marcel Egger, 12/2021