Completed PhD Dissertations, MD Dissertations, Master’s Theses (MMed) & Master of Science in Pharmacy (MSc Pharm)

Would you like to contact one of our alumni to talk about their project or their experiences at BIHAM? If so, mail us at and we will give you their contact details.





Fent Luisa & Käser Momo
Barrieren und Förderfaktoren der Implementierung polygenetischer Risikoscores in der kardiovaskulären Primärprävention aus der Perspektive der Patient*innen
Master’s Theses under supervision of PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Elisavet Moutzouri Beifuss

Reinhard Lukas
Workforce of general internists by 2033
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Sven Streit

Röthlisberger David
Association of low blood pressure and falls: An analysis of data from the Leiden 85-plus Study
Master’s Theses under supervision o fProf. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Sven Streit

Paul Lisa
The role of patient gender in pharmacy practice: a study nested in a pharmacy training exercise
Master’s Theses under supervision of Dr. sc. Enriqueta Vallejo-Yagüe and Prof. Dr. phil. Andrea Burden, with support of Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Sven Streit

Allgaier Natasa: Prenatal exposure to antipsychotic drugs in Switzerland
Master’s Theses under supervision of Dr Marc Dupuis and Prof. Dr. Phil. Alice Panchaud

Lopes Cardoso Marina: Development of a new Interprofessional Service for Chronic Care Management in Hypertensive Patients: Phase 1
Master’s Theses under supervision of Fanny Mulder and Dr. sc. Stephen Jenkinson

Sandri Stefanie: Adaptation and testing of a decision aid for chronic insomnia counselling in community pharmacies
Master’s Theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. Phil. Carla Meyer-Massetti and Estelle Kaiser

Schuebach Livi: Poor neonatal adaptation syndrome and antidepressant drug concentration in umbilical cord after therapy during pregnancy
Master’s Theses under supervision of Dr sc. Enriqueta Vallejo-Yagüe and Prof. Dr. Phil. Alice Panchaud

Maisonneuve Emeline: Trends in management, medication, vaccination against Covid-19 in pregnant and lactating women: real-world data analyses
PhD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. Phil. Alice Panchaud 

Lüthold Vidonscky Renata: Exploring different aspects related to making and implementing deprescribing decisions in primary care setting
PhD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Phil. Sven Streit and Dr. Katharina Jungo

Wildisen Jeanne: How digital technologies can support medication reviews and medication plan management in Swiss primary care
Master’s Theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Phil. Sven Streit and Dr. Katharina Jungo

Schneider Simon Andrea: Revision eines OSCE für die Sonografie des Abdomens
Master’s Theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Rodondi, Dr. med. Moa Haller and Dr. med. Robin Walter

Schütte Leona Varinia: Inflammatory diets and cognitive function in older adults: an analysis of three population-based cohorts
Dissertation under supervision of Dr. Patricia Chocano-Bedoya


Däpp Simona: Best practices in creating patient information documents for clinical trials / Case Report on SINAM
Master’s Theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Rodondi and PD Dr. med. Manuel Blum

Bissig Sarah: Geographical variation in colorectal Cancer testing in Switzerland
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

Lehner Luca: Association between tobacco smoking and cannabis use: analysis of baseline data of participants to the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESTxENDS) randomized controlled trial
Master’s Theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer and Dr. phil. Anna Schöni

Schneider Rémi: Change in colorectal testing and association with insurance status in Switzerland: Evidence from claims data of a large insurance
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

Tzalis Vasilis: Marijuana use and physical activity: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

von Wyl Roman: Cumulative Marijuana Use and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness at Middle Age: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

Linder Stefanie: Insomnia in Primary Care: Physicians’ Habits in Diagnostics and Therapy    
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer and Dr. phil. Micheline Maire

Jakob Julian: Association between lifetime cumulative and current marijuana use and major or minor ECG abnormalities by middle age: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

Heba Alwan: Type 2 diabetes: association with thyroid disease and prevalence of diabetes overtreatment
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Rodondi

Guenièvre Anne Sophie Chatelet, How do primary health care providers want to be involved in research projects? A qualitative study with pharmacists and general practitioners. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Noemi Fischer, MOTIVATE – Motivation of pharmacists to participate in an organized cancer screening program. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. phil. Carla Meyer-Massetti, Co-Supervision: Pharmacist Estelle Kaiser

Claudia Hügli, Association between the colorectal cancer screening status of primary care physicians and their patients: Evidence from the Swiss Sentinella practice-based research network
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

Baptiste Pasquier, Sex Differences in the Association Between Cumulative Use of Cannabis and Cognitive Function in Middle Age: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study
Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer und Dr. med.  Julian Jakob

An Ton Quach, Participatory development of a smoking cessation intervention for pharmacists in primary care. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Karen Maes

Schäfer Josua, Vorlesungsblock Therapie: Eine Bedarfsanalyse im Berner Masterstudium Humanmedizin
Masterarbeit unter der Leitung von PD Dr. med. Roman Hari

Marlen Zysset, Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung bei der Beratung von Patientinnen mit einfacher Harnwegsinfektion in der Apotheke. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer & Dr. med. Dr. phil. Adrian Rorbasser, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Karen Maes


Ansorg Anna-Katharina, Comparison of practices with and without a medical practice coordinator (MPC) in the care of patients with type 2 diabetes. MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof Dr med. Sven Streit

Walter Robin, Selbstbestimmtes Lernen in Ultraschall (RCT). MD Dissertation under supervision of PD Dr. med. Hari Roman

Pless Anina, Qualitative Studie Motivation Ultraschallunterricht. MD Dissertation and MME under supervision of PD Dr. med. Hari Roman

Alt Leander, Optimale zeitliche Kombination von studentischem und ärztlichem Teaching in der Ultraschallausbildung.
Master’s Theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Rodondi and PD Dr. med. Hari Roman

Daniela Wälti, Retrospektive Medikationsanalyse in der ambulanten spezialisierten Palliative Care – eine Pilotstudie. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. phil. Carla Meyer-Massetti, Co-Supervision: Ursina Wernli

Anita Sommer, Reduktion von Polypharmazie und potentiell inadäquater Medikation durch interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit bei der Spitex. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. phil. Carla Meyer-Massetti, Co-Supervision: Pharmacist Estelle Kaiser

Masha Adam, Comparing diabetes care in two primary care models: a sub-study of the MPC study. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Yasmin Mohd Yatim, Exploring the factors associated with willingness to have medications deprescribed in older patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Melisa Harmanci, Studying interprofessional collaboration related to deprescribing in community-dwelling adults with polypharmacy who use home care services. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Nadine Schmid, Evaluating the use of potentially inappropriate prescribed proton-pump inhibitors in Swiss primary care settings: a qualitative study with pharmacists and/or general practitioners. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Nicole Christin Henz, Evaluating the use of potentially inappropriate prescribed proton-pump inhibitors in Swiss primary care settings: a quantitative study. Deutscher Titel: Analyse des Einsatzes von potenziell unangemessen verschriebenen Protonenpumpenhemmern in der Schweizer Grundversorgung. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Linda Diem Chau, Evaluating the use of potentially inappropriate prescribed proton-pump inhibitors in Swiss primary care settings: a qualitative study with patients. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Sarah Elisabeth Lehmann, Smoking cessation interventions in pharmacies: a national survey in the era of rapid expansion of alternate nicotine delivery systems for smoking cessation among the Swiss population. Master’s theses under supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer, Co-Supervision: Dr. phil. Karen Maes

Erol Cigdem, Vitamin D supplementation use among multimorbid older patients: current treatment patterns. Master’s theses under supervision of PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Elisavet  Moutzouri, Co-Supervision: Pharmacist Estelle Kaiser


Nicolas Ban, Potential interactions between exercise and drug therapy in older adults. A narrative review of the literature, Supervisor: MD PhD Patricia Chocano, Co-supervisor: Dr. Stephen Jenkinson

Fanny Mulder, Counselling for chronic insomnia in Swiss pharmacies: a survey study based on case vignettes, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Reto Auer, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carla Meyer-Massetti

Dimitri Löwinger, Attitudes and intentions of Swiss pharmacists towards delivering recreational, non-medical cannabis products in pharmacies, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Reto Auer

Fabienne Dürr, Rationale and safe medication use in hospice care from a pharmacist’s perspective Rationale, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carla Meyer-Massetti, Co-Supervision: Pharmacist Estelle Kaiser & Ursina Wernli

Lea Wildisen, Understanding the Association between subclinical Hypothyroidism and Depressive Symptoms: Analyses of Cohort and Trial Data, PhD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Rodondi, MAS

Anker Daniela, Burden and treatment of hypertension in older adults: trend analyses and association with frailty, PhD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Arnaud Chiolero, PhD

Jungo Katharina, Optimizing Medication Use in Older Adults with Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy, PhD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Rahel Stierli, Primary Care Physician Workforce 2020 to 2025 – a cross-sectional study for the Canton of Bern, MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Von Ballmoos Leonie, Hypertension guidelines – content and quality, MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Fabian Schalbetter, Mixed-methods analysis of the use of STRIPA, Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD & Dr. phil. Katharina Jungo

Nina Meuli, Home visits by GPs, MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Oppliger Sarah, Ein Workshop zur Stärkung der Resilienz zukünftiger Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD & PD Dr. med. Roman Hari, MME


Moser Antonia, Fallbericht Zufallsbefund Ultraschall-Kurs, Master’s theses under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD & Dr. med. Roman Hari. MME

Leiser Silja (2020) Determinants associated with deprivation in multimorbid patients in primary care—A cross-sectional study in Switzerland. MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Bulling Benjamin  (2020) Studie Motivation für Ultraschallausbildung. Master’s Theses under supervision of  under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD and Dr. med. Anina Pless

Roulet Céline (2020) Guideline use and treating hypertension in old age. MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Lindemann Fanny (2020) Mental wellbeing in young and future GPs. MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Baumann Kim (2020) Evaluation of a 10-year GP training program in Bern. MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Camenzind Anna-Lea (2020) Patient als Mensch - Qualitative Evaluation eines Pilotversuchs zu einem neuen Lehrformat in ärztlicher Professionalität im 1. Studienjahr. Master’s Theses under supervision of  Dr. med. Roman and Dr. med. Rita Fankhauser


Diallo Beatrice (2019) Career wishes of Swiss medical students. MD Dissertation under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Alexandra Achterhof (2019) Willingness to deprescribe in patients on inappropriate polypharmacy. Master thesis under supervision of Prof. Dr Sven Streit, MD MSC PhD

Räschle Nino (2019) Blended Learning Basic Course Sonography - A SGUM Accredited Ultrasound Course Based on Peer-Tutoring, Dissertation under the supervision of Dr. med. et MME Hari Roman and Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Woermann-Walthert

Braun Leo (2019) Colorectal cancer screening in Swiss primary care practices: A cross-sectional study in the Sentinella Network. MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Prati Emanuele (2019) "Smarter Health Care" - Darmkrebs Früherkennung. MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Lew Mei Sien (2019) Adipositas - fit in 7 Schritten. MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Maire Micheline (2019) Insomnia in Primary Care: New European Guidelines to Diagnostics and Therapy – Key Points for General Practitioners. Master's these under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Yonas Martin (2019) Darmkrebsfrüherkennung in der Schweizer Hausarztmedizin: Eine Querschnittstudie im Sentinella Netzwerk. MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Räschle Nino (2019) Narrative Review Sonographie-Ausbildung. Master's these under the supervision of Dr. med. Roman Hari

Rybarikova Andrea (2019) Screening for Thyroid Cancer in an Asymptomatic Person: An Information Tool for Physicians to Understand the Risk of Overtreatment. Master's these under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Jakob Julian (2019) Prevalence of ECG abnormalities according to current and cumulative marijuana use. Master's these under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Blunier Raphael (2019) Survey evidence based prevention interventions in electronic medical record software in primary health care in Switzerland. Master's these under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Reto Auer

Lüthi Lisa (2019) Didaktische Überarbeitung und inhaltliche Weiterentwicklung des Grundlagenmoduls „SGUM Basiskurs Sonografie“ E-Learning. MD Dissertation uunder supervision of  Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Rodondi and Dr. med. Lia Jeker

Vetsch Andri (2019) Validierung einer praktischen Ultraschall-Prüfung mit Peer-Examinatoren. Master’s Theses under supervision of  Dr. med. Roman Hari and Prof. Dr. med. Reto Auer

Kaspar Kälin (2019) Randomisierte Studie Ultraschallunterricht im Peer Teaching. MD Dissertation under supervision of  Dr. med. Roman Hari


Mantelli Sophie (2018)  How general practitioners would deprescribe in frail oldest-old with polypharmacy — The LESS Study, MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Rozsnyai Zsofia (2018) What curriculum is attractive for young GPs, MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc  

Perpinias Allenbach Victoria (2018) Promising Future in General Internal Medicine for the Next Generation of Physicians, Review for Board Certification under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc c 

Gauthey Jérôme (2018) Interior Renovation of a General Practitioner Office Leads to a Perceptual Bias on Patient Experience for over one Year, MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Studerus Lara (2018) Optional part-time and longer GP training modules in GP practices associated with more trainees becoming GPs – a cohort study in Switzerland, MD Dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Camenzind Anna-Lea (2018) Pilot zur Studie “Professionell Kommunizieren“. Master’s Theses under supervision of  Dr. med. Roman Hari


Verschoor Marjolein (2017) International variation in GP treatment strategies for hypertension in very elderly individuals, MD Dissertation under the supervision of  Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Gisler Luzia (2017) From practice employee to (co-)owner: young GPs predict their future careers: a cross-sectional survey, MD Dissertation under the supervision of  Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Van Schijndel Alain (2017) How many participants of the DANTE Leiden study restarted antihypertensive medication use after their (partial) discontinuation medication during the DANTE trial, Internship Leiden University Medical Center

Geissbühler Michael (2017) Abuse of meta-regression analyses in the medical literature. Master's these under the supervision of Prof Dr. med. Peter Jüni and Dr. phil. Bruno Da Costa

Räschle Nino (2017) Peer-Tutoring in der Sonografie-Ausbildung, Narrative Review. Master’s Theses under supervision of  Dr. med. Roman Hari


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Baumann Philippe (2015). Awareness of Stroke Risk after TIA in Swiss General Practitioners and Hospital Physicians (pdf, 588KB). Dissertation aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern, und der Klinik für Neurologie am Inselspital (Prof. Dr. med. Urs Fischer). Arbeit unter der Mitbetreuung von Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Blaser Aymeric (2015). Suspicion of Dementia but Normal Neuropsychological Screening. Publikation zum Erhalt des Facharzttitels Allgemeine Innere Medizin aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarzmedizin, Universität Bern. Arbeit unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. med. Sven Streit, MSc 

Bürki Fabian (2015). Einsatz von Filmsequenzen in der Medizinischen Lehre. Masterarbeit aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern, und der Geriatrischen Universitätsklinik am Inselspital. Arbeit unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. med. Andreas E. Stuck, unter Betreuung von Dr. med. Adrian Göldlin.

Keller Noah (2015). Effectiveness of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of pain in knee and hip osteoarthritis. Dissertation aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin (BIHAM), Univerität Bern (Prof. Dr. med. Peter Jüni). Arbeit unter Mitbetreuung von Dr. phil. Bruno da Costa. 


Nadshathra Varathan (2014). Wirbelkörperfrakturen zur Früherkennung der Osteoporose in der hausärztlichen Praxis (pdf, 1021KB). Masterarbeit aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern, und der Klinik für Osteoporose (Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Kurt Lippuner), 29.12.2012. Arbeit unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Peter Frey und Prof. Dr. Kurt Lippuner


Gujer Daniel (2013). Klinische Alarmzeichen, Red Flags, für die notfallmässige Telefonkonsultation (pdf, 401KB). | Anhang (pdf, 1.1 MB). Dissertation aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern, und der Klinik für Geriatrie (Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Stuck). Arbeit unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Mireille Schaufelberger und Prof. Dr. Andreas Stuck

Fischer Christine (2013). Diagnostische Algorithmen im Studium, in der Klinik und im Praxisalltag (pdf, 1.9 MB). Masterarbeit aus dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern, und der Klinik für Geriatrie (Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Stuck), 27.11.2012. Arbeit unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Mireille Schaufelberger und Prof. Dr. Andreas Stuck


Angerer Fiona (2011). Diagnostische Algorithmen der Medizin für Praktiker (pdf, 5.9 MB). Dissertation aus der Klinik für Geriatrie (Direktor Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Stuck) und dem Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, Universität Bern, 11.04.2011. Arbeit unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Mireille Schaufelberger und Dr. med. Philippe Furger